
PDE Website – The official Pennsylvania Department of Education website that is used to provide many resources to Schools in Pennsylvania. This is where a School can go to get connected to PDE Suite, PIMS, Future Ready PA Index, Test Scores, Assessment and Accountability and Data and Reporting to complete required reports and access necessary data and materials. It has a plethora of information, resources and materials for your School and constantly keeps you updated on the most recent news and changes Schools in Pennsylvania need to know.

Universal Service Administrative Co. – This is where a School can access and become a part of the E-rate program that ensures schools and libraries across the U.S. are connected to information and resources to improve their internet connectivity at a discounted rate.

The Pennsylvania Association Federal Program Coordinators supports state and federal programs. They provide quick accessibility to legislative updates, current breaking news affecting federal programs, and changes in federal statutes, laws, regulations, policies, audits, and compliance resources for both USDE and PDE. They also provide informative trainings, workshops, conferences, etc. to provide resources and materials to make sure Federal and State requirements are being met and followed.

EdNA – Education Name and Addresses can be used to find name, address, administrator, and related information about the educational entities that PDE serves. It is imperative to keep the School’s information up to date and accurate in EdNA.

The Pennsylvania Coalition of Public Charter Schools is the voice of charter schools in the state of Pennsylvania. They represent both brick-and-mortar and cyber schools through the Keystone State. Schools can access great trainings and resources on this site as well as news and updates from Legislation regarding Charter Schools.

Act 22 of 1997 – This is the Pennsylvania Charter School Law. It is imperative that it is read and understood before one decides to create a Charter School in Pennsylvania. It describes and states the rights and limitations of stakeholders, provides rules and regulations regarding charter schools, financing, transportation, education, curriculum and assessment, facility requirements and just about everything else one would need to know in order to run a successful Charter School in Pennsylvania.

Helpful Contacts

Connecting The Pieces – One of PA’s most respected educationally based behavior providers. They provide impressive support services in:

  • Behavior Assessment
  • Behavior Consultative Services
  • Social Skills Instructional Services
  • Special Education/Tutoring Services
  • Paraprofessional Services
  • Counseling Services
  • Social Work Services
  • Virtual Support
  • PD

U.S. Medical Staffing, Inc.: Specializes in referring professional School & Behavioral & Mental Health Professionals to Social Service Organizations and Schools. School Pro Staffing works with public, private and charter schools to provide professionals with appropriate Degree(s), Certification (s), License and experience to meet each organizations requirement and needs for both students and adults. Some positions include:

  • Special Ed Teachers
  • Nurses
  • Social Workers
  • Mental Health Counselors
  • TSS
  • Psychologists
  • PCA’s
  • Teacher Aides
  • Bilingual
  • 1:1 Aides
  • Therapists

GDI Medical: A vendor for a great variety of PPE supplies. Schools these days need these items more than ever before. You may order in small or large quantities to fit your school’s needs in keeping your students and staff safe.