Upcoming Deadlines!
- State
- Federal
It is a new year and time to update your Student and Staff data in preparation for the October Collections that are stated below:
- October Student – due 10/2-10/13 with correction window of 10/17 – 10/30
- October Staff – due 10/2-10/13 with correction window of 10/17-10/30
- Grad/Drop Cohort 22-23 – due 10/2-10/13 with correction window 10/17-10/30.
- Support Personnel – due 10/2-10/13 with correction window of 10/17-10/30
If OmniVest completes your PIMS reporting, please provide the requested data to the Operations team by OmniVest’s deadlines. If we do not complete your PIMS reporting, please follow up with your PIMS coordinator to assure the above templates are completed by submission date.
PIMS Calendar
School District of Philadelphia
Student True Up is Soon!
- The SDP will be taking the first snapshot of the new school year student population this month. Please make sure the current student population is entered into Infinite Campus by September 28th – review enrollment dates, withdrawals & graduations, IEP dates, addresses, and school calendar dates. If an enrolled student moved into or out of Philadelphia during the School Year, the School District of Philadelphia must be notified via an email to Jan Smit, jwsmit@philasd.org, of the child’s name and the date they changed districts while enrolled at the Charter School. Please copy OmniVest as well.
State Reports
- SHARRS – Health expenditure reimbursement report for SY22.23 are due 9.30.23. Please reach out to an Operations team member if you need assistance with completion and submission. If your team submits the report, please provide a copy to OmniVest for our records.
- SHARRS – Health expenditure reimbursement report for SY22.23 are due 9.30.23. Please reach out to an Operations team member if you need assistance with completion and submission. If your team submits the report, please provide a copy to OmniVest for our records.

Federal Program Reminders
ARP ESSER – Remember to update your Health and Safety Plan! It is a requirement of receiving the funds that this is completed every 6 months. Please make sure your plan is reviewed and a revision date is provided within 6mths of the last revision date. Please foward to OmniVest to upload to eGrants to maintain compliance with your ARP ESSER application and please also post it on the school’s website..
Consolidated Application Contract Agreement SY23.24– If you haven’t already done so, please make sure to sign your contract agreement for the Consolidated Application for 2023-24 and return it to an OmniVest operations team member. We will make sure it is uploaded to the school’s application in order for it to move along the review process in a timely manner.
OmniVest is Here to Help!

Congratulations on starting the new school year successfully for your students, staff and families! We know you are extremely busy assisting your staff and students with settling back into school routines and schedules. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to the OmniVest team for any questions you may have or any support that is needed. Our team of experienced, professional personnel are happy and waiting to assist in any way we can. We are looking forward to partnering with you and your team for another successful school year. WE ARE HERE FOR YOU!