Upcoming Reports
- Health & Safety Plan Review
- Federal
- Career Standard Benchmarks – Due 6/24/22
- Industry Recognized Credentials and Work Based Learning Experiences for Non-CTE Students – Due 6/24/22
- LIEP Survey – Due 7/20/22
- SPED Transition/Exits – Due 7/20/22
- Safe School Reports – Due 7/29/22
- Child Accounting – Due 8/31/22
SDP(School District of Philadelphia)
- SPED Templates 2, 3, & 9 – Due 6/30/22 and then re-opened 7/18/22-7/20/22
- SPED Template 8A (only if your school is geting monitored in SY22.23) – Due 6/30/22
- IDEA Contract for SY21.22 – The SDP is providing them through an online portal. The CEO should have received an email from Michelle of how to access them and sign for execution. Please let us know if you have not received an email and we will be happy to assist. Please forward a copy of the signed IDEA Contract for SY 21.22.
Health and Safety Plan
Remember it is a requirement of receiving the ARP ESSER funding that the School is to review their Health and Safety Plan every 6 months. There should be a new revision that takes place over the Summer. Please provide OmniVest with a copy of the revised Health and Safety Plan with revision date noted.

Other Summer Items
Title Preliminary Allocations for SY 22.23- The OmniVest Operations team will be sending out emails by 6/10/22 notifying you of the school’s allocations for Title I, II ,III and IV. Your team should begin planning as the application submission window opens 7/1/22 and closes 9/6/22. We are here and ready to assist in order to submit the applications as soon as possible!
Schoolwide Plan – The plan is due in the FRCPP system by 9/1/22 or earlier. Please remember the SWP and Title I funding must align as PDE and Federal Programs will be looking for the connections in audits. The SWP and federal funding budget preparation require documented stakeholder input.
Audits – Audit testing will begin in the Summer so be on alert for audit requests from both OmniVest and engaged audit firm and to schedule onsite visit from the auditor.

We want to take a moment and congratulate you and your team for completing another school year with dedication, perserverance, support and love for all your students, staff and families. We know you are still feeling the affects from the Pandemic and your team has responded to them with integrity and determination with your students at the forefront of your decisions. The Summer is a very busy few months for reports and we are here to help in every way we can. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to an OmniVest team member for assistance and guidance as you plan your 2022-23 School year. We are honored to be your partner! Have a great Summer!