Upcoming Deadlines
- SDP(School District of Philadelphia)
- State
- Finalize Budget 24-25
- Audit Engagement Letter
- Federal Grants
PIMS Upcoming Deadlines
- Course/Instructor – Due 6-7-24
- Career Standard Benchmarks – Due 6-27-24
- SPED Transition/Exits – Due 7-19-24
- Safe Schools – Due 7-31-24
- Child Accounting – Due 8-30-2024
If OmniVest completes your PIMS reporting the email with the June and July timeline for the needed data will be sent in the very near future. Please contact your Operations team member if you have any questions.
- SPED Templates Table 9A – Due 7-2024
Infinite Campus Updates – Please review and update all student data including IEP Dates, withdrawal and graduation dates, addresses, and calendar start and stop dates as the last SDP snapshot is 6-20-2024 at 4:00 p.m.
- Annual Report – Due 8-1-2024
- Police MOU in FRCPP – Due 6-30-2024
- Bullying Policy in FRCPP – Due 7-31-2024
Budget Planning 24-25 & Audits
- The time has come to finalize the School’s budget for SY 24-25. OmniVest is here to provide support and assistance as needed. Please remember the budget and personnel budget must be board approved by June 30, 2024 and submitted to the State by July 15, 2024.
- Please review, sign, and return the independent Auditor Engagement Letter for the FY 23-24 audit, 990, and PDE Annual Financial Report and watch for emails to begin scheduling for audit work. Remember to review student and staff files which are tested as part of the audit work.

Federal Programs
ARP ESSER – Remember to update your Health and Safety Plan! It is a requirement of receiving the funds that this is completed every 6 months. Please make sure your plan is reviewed and a revision date is provided within 6 months of the last revision date. Please foward to OmniVest to upload to eGrants to maintain compliance with your ARP ESSER application and please also post it on the school’s website.
Preliminary Allocations for Titles 2024-25
The SY 24-25 Preliminary Title Allocations from Federal Programs should be coming out soon. We will be in contact in the near future to begin the application process, but expect flat allocation based on current year’s actuals when reviewing budgeting and possible usage. In preparation of the Titles Application, the School should be completing needs assessments which will support the use of the SY24-25 Title monies and the preparation of the School Wide Plan (SWP), if applicable. The Title Consolidated Application is open soon after the release of the allocation and is due September 1, 2024. The earlier we complete the application, the sooner the School can utilize the funds in the new School Year! The School Wide Plan if applicable, is due September 1, 2024 and the Title Consolidated Application uses and the SWP needs should align.
CONGRATULATIONS – The Finish Line for SY23-24 is in Sight!