Upcoming Deadlines
- October Student – due 10/1-10/14 with correction window of 10/18 – 10/29.
- October Staff – due 10/1-10/14with correction window of 10/18-10/29.
- SPEC ED ACT16 – due 10/1- 10/14 with correction window 10/18-10/29
- Grad/Drop Cohort 20-21 – due 10/1 – 10/14 with correction window 10/18-10/29
School District of Philadelphia
Student True Up is Soon!
The SDP will be taking the first snapshot of the new school year student population this month. Please make sure the current student population is entered into Infinite Campus by September 22 – review enrollment dates, withdrawals & graduations, IEP dates, and addresses. If an enrolled student moved into or out of Philadelphia during the School Year, the School District of Philadelphia must be notified via an email to Jan Smit, jwsmit@philasd.org, of the child’s name and the date they changed districts while enrolled at the Charter School. Please copy OmniVest as well.
This is a reminder that the School Health Annual Reimbursement Request System (SHARRS) is open for submitting the FY20/21 report and is due on September 30th. The School’s CEO/Principal may have received an email notice regarding this submission. If you would like OmniVest to assist with the submission, please provide the form to our team by Friday, September 24th.

Highlighted Vendor
Stop threats at first sight, not first shot!
ZeroEyes has over 50 years of collective military experience that is combined with consulting and technology expertise to focus solely on weapons detection to proactively identify guns before shots can be fired. It was founded by a team of Navy SEALs and military veterans dedicated to ending mass shootings. Their software integrates with an organization’s existing camera system and video analytics to detect weapons in real time.
If ZeroEyes detects a gun, an alert with the image of the weapons goes to the ZeroEyes monitoring team. Once positively identified, an alert is sent to a local emergency dispatch, onsite security staff, police and school administrators (via mobile and desktop).
ZeroEye’ software uses AI and computer vision, integrating with existing 3D satellite maps of a building so as a visible weapon passes a camera, the map lights up, allowing first responders to know the precise location of a threat.
By seeing exactly where a shooter (s) is in real time, security personnel can lock doors, move people to safety and enact other aspects of their security process, while first responders go towards the shooter much faster with knowledge of how many and what kinds of weapons the person has.
If your team is interested in more information on this new software, please contact Kim atkhensinger@omnivestllc.com or see below.
Lets Start Off The New Year Strong!
Congratulations on starting the new school year successfully for your students, staff and families! We know you are extremely busy in setting up new health and safety protocols, COVID procedures, testing and adjusting back to teaching and learning in person. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to the OmniVest team for any questions you may have or any support that is needed. Our team of experienced, professional personnel are happy and waiting to assist in any way we can. We are looking forward to partnering with you and your team for another successful school year. WE ARE HERE FOR YOU!