Upcoming Deadlines
- Statements of Financial Interest
- Begin Budget Process for SY21.22
- Selecting Auditor for SY20.21
- PIMS Deadlines
- Federal Updates
Statement of Financial Interest
The annual collection for Statements of Financial Interest (SOFI) has been scheduled in Epicenter. As a reminder, SOFIs must be submitted for all charter school Board members and school leader(s) who served at any point during calendar year 2020. Note, this also applies to Board members who served in 2020 and are no longer current Board members. Schools may submit a scanned copy of a paper form or a PDF of the online form. Final Deadline – 5.1.2021
Begin Budget Planning for SY21.22
The time is here to start preparing and planning the School’s budget for SY 21.22. OmniVest is here to provide support and assistances in the preparation of the budget as needed. Please remember the budget and personnel budget must be board approved by June 30, 2020 and submitted to the State by July 15, 2021.
Select Independent Auditor
Please review with the School Board the selection of an independent auditor for the period ending June 30, 2021 audit and 990. Request an engagement letter from the chosen auditor to have approved at the April Board Meeting to allow sufficient time for audit planning.

PIMS Deadlines
Safe Schools Bus Drills – 4.9.2021
- If the school had children in the building at all during SY 20.21 bus drills must be reported. If the School was completely virtual, they can be reported as such with comment “Covid-19 Mitigation”.
Course Instructor – 5.7.2021
- This includes 3 templates: Course, Course Instructor and Course Enrollment.
PSSA Acountability ELA, Math and Sciences – 5.11.2021
- This is an internal snapshot of the School’s data so remember to have your PIMS coordinator update student’s data, if needed.
Spring Keystone Reporting – 5.28.2021
- This is an internal snapshot of the School’s data so remember to have your PIMS coordinator update student’s data, if needed.
Summer Keystone Precodes – 5.28.2021
- This is an internal snapshot of the School’s data so remember to have your PIMS coordinator update student’s data, if needed.